
Dear members of the K.N.P.S.V.,

This page has an overview of which K.N.P.S.V. products you can order. It is possible to order a tie, bow tie, braces, and a sweater. Is your K.N.P.S.V. wardrobe complete? After ordering a product, the K.N.P.S.V. board will make sure your product will be handed to you directly or to your department as quickly as possible!

Kind regards,

The K.N.P.S.V. board

Some of the Forms are in Dutch, if you need help or do you want to order merchandise from outside of the Netherlands. Mail to:

K.N.P.S.V.-Lustrum pin

This is the K.N.P.S.V.-Lustrum pin, in honour of the 120th birthday of the K.N.P.S.V. The pin is 2,5 x 1,3 cm and contains all 4 colours of our departments!

Price: €4,50

Order the limited edition Lustrum pin here.

K.N.P.S.V. sweater:

The new K.N.P.S.V. sweater is here!

Order it now, for only €14- via this link.

K.N.P.S.V.-Bucket Hat:

This is the K.N.P.S.V.-Bucket Hat. It is yellow and has the K.N.P.S.V. weapon with the four colours on it! Ideal for the festivals or the Dutch rain!

Purchase it now for only €5,-

Order the Bucket Hat here.


These are the beautiful K.N.P.S.V. Socks. They are striped in the colours of the K.N.P.S.V.  and the upper part has says “K.N.P.S.V.” and our pretty weapon! Available in 2 sizes: 37-42 & 43-46
Your feet don’t want to miss this!
One pair of socks only costs €9,00!
To order the socks you can click here

K.N.P.S.V. pin

This is the K.N.P.S.V. pin. The pin has the weapon of the K.N.P.S.V. in gold on a red background.

Price: €1,00

Order your pin here

Playing cards:

You can order the K.N.P.S.V. playing cards now!

The deck of cards costs €3,-.

Order it now via this link.


This is the K.N.P.S.V.-tie. The K.N.P.S.V weapon can be found on the deep blue tie that is striped with the colors red, blue and yellow.

Price: €7,50

Order the tie here.


These are the K.N.P.S.V.-suspenders! The suspenders are dark blue striped with red and yellow. The attachment part is black.

Price: €20,-
Order the suspenders here


This is the K.N.P.S.V.-bowtie. Each flap has a K.N.P.S.V. weapon when tied correctly.

Price: €8,95
Order your bowtie here

K.N.P.S.V.-cuff links

These are the K.N.P.S.V.-cuff links. They have the weapon of the K.N.P.S.V. on a blue background.

Price: €12,50
Order your cuff links here

K.N.P.S.V.-cuff links

This is the K.N.P.S.V.-Lustrum sweater 'Lucifer', in honor of the 120th anniversary of the K.N.P.S.V. The sweater is available in several sizes and is black with a red motif.

Price: € 22,50

Order your cuff links here

K.N.P.S.V.-Lucifer tie

This is the K.N.P.S.V.-Lustrum tie ‘Lucifer’, in honor of the 120th anniversary of the K.N.P.S.V. The tie is black with a red motif.

Price: € 11,-

Order the limited edition Lustrum tie ‘Lucifer’ hier.


This is the K.N.P.S.V.-Longsleeve. The longesleeve is white with on the front of the longsleeve the four city coats of arms and on the back the coat of arms of the K.N.P.S.V.

Price: € 25,-

Order the limited edition longsleeve hier.