Prof. Schobben
Honorary member since 2003
Prof. Schobben studied pharmacy at the University of Utrecht from 1966 to 1975. He was president of U.P.S.V. “Unitas Pharmaceuticorum” in 1971 – 1972. The next year, 1972 – 1973, he became president of the A.N.P.S.V. His wife, whom owns a pharmacy in Soest, was also a member of this board. Prof. Schobben got promoted on the area of therapy and the kinetics on epilepsy.
He is a lecturer at the University of Utrecht since 1998, discipline group Clinical Epidemiology and Pharmacotherapy. Prof. Schobben is a clinical pharmacist at the University Medical Centrum in Utrecht. He took place in the board of the NVZA, de Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuis Apothekers (dutch association of clinical pharmacists), in 1985. He is also a member of the College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG) since 1988 at royal appointment. He became vice-president in 1995. Prof. Schobben was approached by the board of ’02 – ‘03’ of the A.N.P.S.V. and appointed as honorary member during the century congress. The association has approached Prof. Schobben many times for advice and he has always been ready to give it.