
The K.N.P.S.V. has four departments.

G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum”

The Groningse Farmaceutische Studenten Vereniging ‘’Pharmaciae Sacrum” (often abbreviated as P.S.) was established in 1881, what makes the department from Groningen the oldest department known to the Koninklijke Nederlandse Pharmaceutische Studentenvereniging.

L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius”

The Leidsche Pharmaceutische Studenten Vereniging ,,Aesculapius’’, also known as ,,Aesculapius’’ was established in 1885 as study association for pharmacy students. Currently it is the association in Leiden for bio-pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy.

U.P.S.V. “Unitas Pharmaceuticorum”

The Utrechtse Farmaceutische Studenten vereniging ‘’Unitas Pharmaceuticorum’’ (abbreviated as U.P.), was established in 1894 for pharmacy students in Utrecht. At first only men could become members of U.P. ,but that changed in 1899 when women could become members too.

The Association of Chemistry Students at VU University Amsterdam

The Association of Chemistry Students at VU University Amsterdam, or VCSVU for short, is a relatively young study association, which exists since October 1964.  At first it was a association for  both chemistry students and pharmaceutical science students. This changed a few years ago and VCSVU turned in to a pharmacy-oriented association.