The ‘Vereniging van Chemie Studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit’, VCSVU for short, is an Amsterdam study association that represents the interests of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAR) and Drug Discovery and Safety (DDS). The association is the Amsterdam deparment of the K.N.P.S.V.
It all started with a large study association for all students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, called the Natural Philosophical Faculty Association (NPF). This association was founded in 1931, by a number of students at the VU University in Amsterdam. At the time, the NPF organized many lectures and excursions. After the Second World War, the faculty experienced rapid growth. The number of members became too large and diverse for this association. As a result, “sub-faculties” were established, starting with biology in 1950 and geology in 1960, among others.
On October 1st, 1964, the moment was finally there: ‘Vereniging van Chemie Studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit’, or: VCSVU, was founded. In the beginning the association was only for chemistry (chemistry) students. Later, the pharmaceutical sciences students joined. The Chemistry study has now moved to the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The departure of Chemistry to the UvA offered the VCSVU the opportunity to join the K.N.P.S.V.
After years of hard work, VCSVU became a member of the K.N.P.S.V. on November 14, 2020. The association is therefore the latest addition to the K.N.P.S.V.
VCSVU does everything in its hand to make study time as pleasant as possible for its members (FAR, DDS and Chemistry students). The association organizes many activities, drinks and excursions, where in addition to members, non-members are also welcome. The VCSVU organizes the sale of books and the ability to review old exams. The book sales are organized at the beginning of each period. The members receive a hefty discount on the study books. The old exams and summaries can also be found on the website: these are only visible for members. For the activities, drinks and excursions, motivated committees provide varied and fun activities. From the annual Belgian Beer Drink to Christmas dinners and from symposiums and lectures to galas: VCSVU offers it all.
The VCSVU song
Farmaceutische studenten
Hebben passie voor ons vak
Onze liefde voor elkander
Dat maakt ons nooit meer zwak
Heldhaftig, barmhartig, vastberaden
Is de wapenspreuk van onze stad
Gevestigd op de Zuidas
Sluiten wij Amsterdam in ons hart
Samen vormen wij ‘n geheel
Een gezamenlijk sterk front
Wij zijn trots op onze vereniging
Die in 1964 ontstond
Opgericht als vereniging van chemie
Maar nu voor farmaceutische wetenschap
Lijkt wat wij doen wel op magie
Maar bevorderen wij de beterschap
Met elk jaar een nieuwe drager
Schittert ons vaandel in ‘t blauw
Wij zullen haar trouw beschermen
Ons prachtig biseksuele vrouw
Vroeger hadden we Griffiol en Schok
Dat hoort bij onze identiteit
Maar nu ontspannen wij in FOK
Onze geschiedenis raken we nooit meer kwijt
Cola is onderdeel van onze kreet,
Het is er een, die iedereen weet:
Dan roepen wij trots allen mee,