Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatshappij ter bevordering van de Pharmacie – KNMP
As an umbrella professional and branch association of pharmacists, the Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie (KNMP) promotes both the interests of its members and those of pharmacy. The KNMP was founded in 1842. The main tasks of the KNMP are:
- To facilitate pharmacists in their professional practice and management.
- Help to ensure quality within pharmacy practice.
To this end, it formulates an up-to-date vision of professional practice, promotes good pharmaceutical patient care and supplies and promotes the scientific pursuit of pharmacy in the Netherlands. To see the mission and vision of the KNMP you can click here. (https://www.knmp.nl/knmp/knmp-vereniging/knmp-missie-en-visie)
Membership of the KNMP
For all pharmacists, young or up-and-coming pharmacists, the KNMP is the association that is essential in designing and implementing the profession. If you want to influence your own future, you can contribute to it by playing an active role within the KNMP and making your voice heard. Register as a member of the KNMP; the professional and branch association for pharmacists. It is possible to acquire a student membership as (bio-)pharmacy student. The student membership costs €39,50 each year. This membership brings many benefits:
- You receive the Pharmaceutisch Weekblad (PW) weekly,
- You can participate in the district members meetings (accredited)
- You receive a discount on the KNMP spring and autumn congress (accredited).
For more information about the membership at the KNMP click here. (https://www.knmp.nl/knmp/lidmaatschap)
For contact with the KNMP you can send an e-mail to: communicatie@knmp.nl