Future- and Education Perspectives Committee 2020-2021

Maira Visscher

Lou Ticheler

Milou Milet De St Aubin

Melissa Bal

Ulrike van Ark

Dear members of the K.N.P.S.V.,

Every year the “Future- and Education Perspectives Committee” (FEP) organizes an activity. This year, in collaboration with the association of Dutch Industry Pharmacists (NIA), the Pharmaceutical Industry Day (NIA-day) will be organized. This day will take place on February 20, 2021. During this day there will be several speakers to tell about their experiences in the pharmaceutical industry. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with various possibilities in this field.

This year the FEP consists of four students who come from Amsterdam, Groningen and Leiden. We hope to introduce you to a fifth committee member soon.

Maira Visscher will take up the position of chairman this year. She is a sixth-year student from Groningen, which means she has attended the NIA day before. Her experiences will certainly help us make this a beautiful day.

Milou Milet de St. Aubin is a second year student from Amsterdam and will act as treasurer. She is very structured and with all her enthusiasm will steer the money flows in the right direction.

Melissa Bal is our commissioner. She is a fifth-year student who is doing her masters in Utrecht and has done her bachelor in Leiden. She takes this committee as an opportunity to gain experience in organising an event. 

Ulrike van Ark is our supervisory director and will guide us from the board to create a beautiful day.

Finally, I, Lou Ticheler, will take on the position of secretary. I will take care of all correspondence and cordially invite you all to come to NIA Day!

On behalf of the Future- and Education Perspectives Committee (20-21)

Lou Ticheler

h.t. secretary