Photo’s of the K.N.P.S.V.

Get an impression of the K.N.P.S.V. activities by taking a look at some of the photos taken during them. If you are a member of Pharmaciae Sacrum, ,,Aesculapius”, Unitas Pharmaceuticorum or VCSVU? click here to log in to gain access to all the photos. If you do not know the password, please send an e-mail to

To view the photos of the past board members dinner, click here.


K.N.P.S.V. -Congres ‘Confuse’ 2024

Photo’s of the 81st K.N.P.S.V.-congres ‘Confuse’ during assention weekend. During this weekend, the 122nd board succeeded the 121st and were officially installed.

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K.N.P.S.V. sports activity 2024

On Saturday, April 6, it was time for the K.N.P.S.V. sports activity. This year we went paintballing in Almere. Unfortunately, the ribbons were a little too supreme in their play.

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K.N.P.S.V. Sanofi bachelor activity 2024

The bachelor activity included guests at the office of the pharmaceutical company Sanofi. The day consisted of a few lectures and panel discussions about rare diseases. The participants were then allowed to discuss the Dutch policy on rare diseases.

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K.N.P.S.V. National championship consultation 2024

This annual competition took place in Groningen this year. After conducting several rounds of consultation, the participants were each assessed on how well they provided their consultation. In the end, only the winner remained and he won a ticket to the IPSF world Congress in South Korea.

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K.N.P.S.V. educational activity 2024

During the Educational Activity of our own activities committee we were allowed to take a look at the CHDR in Leiden, where we also received a super interesting lecture about medicines in animals and how they relate to humans. After the lecture we continued to the Naturalis museum to further immerse ourselves in the animal kingdom.

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K.N.P.S.V. January general assembly 2024

In the January General Assembly, various aspects of the K.N.P.S.V. were discussed.

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K.N.P.S.V. career day 2023

Our beautiful professions day took place on Saturday, November 25. On this wonderful day, our members had the opportunity to explore all the different nooks and crannies of our sector, the pharmaceutical sector. Numerous workshops were given on various career options, including the well-known hospital pharmacist, but also the quality person from the industry, and the institutional pharmacy was also present. In addition to all these educational workshops. There was also a job fair where several companies showed themselves to our members. All in all an educational and very successful day.

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TWIN weekend 2 Tübingen 2023

Unfortunately, Friday did not go as planned, because we traveled with German public transport and were delayed for many hours. But luckily this didn’t spoil the fun… We were warmly welcomed in the winter wonderland of Tübingen. After a nice get-together with delicious hot drinks and German snacks in our bellies, we ended the long day. We had to get up early again on Saturday, because there was a full program waiting for us. The breakfast was traditional southern German with pretzels and sausages. We first visited the university’s botanical gardens and then explored the city itself and got to know the Biochemistry Castle. The first DNA was isolated in this castle. To end the day, we enjoyed a delicious German meal together and finally tasted German student life with our fellow German students.

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TWIN weekend Groningen 2023

In the first weekend we received our German guests in beautiful Groningen.On Friday evening we got to know each other and enjoyed the famous fries table and ended the day with fun student games.On Saturday an interesting treasure hunt was organized throughout Groningen, with typical Dutch assignments.We then had animated conversations while enjoying Napoli pizzas and pasta and got to know each other better.To use the remainder of Saturday like a real Groningen student, until early Sunday.

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K.N.P.S.V. weekend 2023

During the weekend of October 14 and 15, the K.N.P.S.V. weekend took place . The Autumn General Meeting has taken place. After this we all had dinner and went to the party in the Black and White theme. On Sunday the functionary activity involved trampoline jumping.

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Functionary drink 2023

On friday June 9th, the yearly funcionary drink was held. The drink is a way of the assocation to thank her active members for their contribution to the K.N.P.S.V.. This year the drink was held in CAfe De Toeter, in Groningen. Everybody enjoyed some drinks and snacks provided by the assocation.


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80th Lustrum Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. ‘Lucifer’

Thursday 18 May to Sunday 21 May the 80th Congress took place in Stadskanaal in Groningen. About hundred members were present. Everyone was able to enjoy a weekend full of a beautiful symposium, party, workshops, sports and a spectacular gala. The annual meeting and board change also took place. The symposium was about diabolical dilemmas within the pharmaceutical industry. For example, it was about using LSD for psychiatric patients. Sports was also a great success with an assault course, bubble football and tug of war.

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EPSA Annual Congress 2023 Slovenia

Monday 17 April till Saturday 22 April the EPSA Annual Congress 2023 took place in Slovenia. With 16 K.N.P.S.V. members we have enjoyed a week full of educational, social and cultural activities. We have fed the Slovenien deers and enjoyed the spa! The international night and gala night were also a great succes! During the GA we approved the final raptors from the team and the elections for the new Team took place! There were many Dutch EPSA Alumni present as well!

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Sport activity: Climbing in het Amsterdamse Bos

Saturday, 1 April, the sport committee “SPierpijn” organised a day of climbing in het Amsterdamse Bos. The weather was a bit disappointing, but that did not stop us from climbing like monkeys! The drinks afterwards were well deserved!

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Bachelor Activity: A day in Delft in the theme of AMR

Saturday 18 March the Bachelor Activity took place: a day in Delft in the theme of Anti-Microbial Resistance! In three groups we enjoyed a visit to Medical Pharmaceutical Museum de Griffioen, a workshop from EPSA trainer Kaatje Knol about “Speaking Science” and a beautiful city walk with fun challenges. The successful day was organised by the committee for pharmaceutical policy as a closure of the theme week about AMR!

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NIA Day of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Saturday 11 March the Day of the Pharmaceutical Industry took place in collaboration with the NIA (Association for Dutch Industrial Pharmacists), organised by the Activity committee! This year the theme was: “Quality Culture”. We started the day with a plenary lecture about the theme. During multiple workshops, the participants got to know the diverse professions in the pharmaceutical industry at multiple companies. There was also time for networking during the lunch and the social drinks. It was a successful, educational and fun day! The NIA Day of the Pharmaceutical Industry takes place every other year.

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K.N.P.S.V.  January GA 2023 + Dinner @Kartoffel + Ph. V. D. Hygeia Karaoke party

Saturday 28 January 2023 the January General Assembly of the K.N.P.S.V. took place in het Kargadoor in Utrecht. The K.N.P.S.V.-Lustrumgadget is revealed: the lustrumpin. The commissioners gave an update on IPSF and EPSA. The professions day committee revealed their theme: “NextGen”. After the GA we went for dinner at Restaurant Kartoffel in Utrecht. In the evening, we sang beautifully during the Hygeia karaoke evening at Café Rex.

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National Championship Patient Counseling 2022

Saturday the 10th of December, the National Championship Patient Counseling took place. During this event, Dutch pharmacy master students take part in the competition to see who is the best in counseling patients.  Esbar Hassan, the winner, will represent the Netherlands during the Patient Counseling Event organised at the IPSF World Congress 2023 in Bali. 

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TWIN 2022 K.N.P.S.V. + SFD in Kaunas and Vilnius

Friday November 11th till Sunday November 13th we travelled to Lithuania with 19 K.N.P.S.V. members to enjoy our second weekend of the TWIN exchange with the Lithuanian pharmaceutical student association SFD! We have have enjoyed a city walk in Kaunas ánd Vilnius, visited a fort and the medicine museum, tasted local specialties listened to a symposium and much more!

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EPSA Autumn Assembly 2022  Athene

Tuesday the 1st of November till Sunday the 6th of November the EPSA Autumn Assembly 2022 took place in Athens. With 22 K.N.P.S.V. members, we traveled to Greece and enjoyed a week full of educational, social and cultural activities. The General Assembly, international night and gala could not be missed!

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TWIN 2022 K.N.P.S.V. + SFD in Utrecht

Friday the 21st of October till Sunday the 23rd of October the first exchange weekend of the TWIN with K.N.P.S.V. and SFD, the national student association of Lithuania! The international committee has organised an amazing weekend in Utrecht with a classic Dutch fries-table, a mini symposium in the botanical gardens and a visit to the Dom Tower!

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K.N.P.S.V. Weekend 2022 – Autumn GA + K.N.P.S.V. party + Glowgolf Functionaries Activity

Saturday the 15th of October 2022 the Autumn GA took place. After the GA, the K.N.P.S.V. party took place. This party was organised by the Activity Committee and the theme was “Magic”. The next day, October 16th the functionaries of the K.N.P.S.V. played glowfgolf during the functionaries activity.

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Pharmacy Hockey Tournament 2022

Saturday the 11th of June the pharmacy hockey tournament took place in Utrecht. This year, for the first time, organised by the Sport Committee from the K.N.P.S.V. It was a hot, but beautiful day. The day was a lot fun with a lot of fitness. After the tournament, everyone enjoyed the bbq!

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Functionary Drinks 2022

On the 10th of June the functionary drinks have take place to thank all the functionaries of the K.N.P.S.V. for their efforts for the association. At restaurant Ruig we toasted to the beautiful board year that had passed, and the one that would come.

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79th Congres of the K.N.P.S.V.

During the ascension weekend from the 26th till the 29th of May, the 79th Congres of the K.N.P.S.V. “Contact” took place in Lemmer, Friesland. The 90 participants enjoyed a spectaculair general assembly, where the 119th board resigned and the 120th board was installed. During two symposium mornings, with the topic “Fertility” the participants learned a lot, led by the president of the day Dr. Bart Gadella. The reception also took place, during which everybody could congratulate the freshly installed board. It was an amazing weekend!

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Congress GA 2020

The Congress General Assembly of the K.N.P.S.V. has taken place on the 29th of August 2020. Because of measures concerning COVID-19 the Congress GA which is normally held during the annual congress of the K.N.P.S.V. had to be postponed. During this Congress GA the official handover of the executive board has taken place, where the 117th board of the K.N.P.S.V. has been decharged and the acting board of the K.N.P.S.V. has been installed as the 118th board of the K.N.P.S.V. Several committees have also been decharged and installed!

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Bacheloractivity 2020

The bachelor activity took place on the 29th of February. We traveled to Alkmaar to visit ‘The Smartest House’. It was a very succesful actitivity and all participants learned more aobut the living options of today! the KNMP workshop about digitization and medication transfer was also very interesting!

NK- Patient Councelling Event 2020

On Saturday the 15th of February the Patient Counseling Event took place. During this event several master students of pharmacy have battled to become Dutch Champion Patient Counseling. After 3 stress-full rounds Fleur van Gelder was elected as the winnter of the event. She is going to represent the Netherlands at the IPSF WorldCongress 2020 in Seoul, South-Korea! It was a very intersting and informative day.

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January AV of the K.N.P.S.V. 2020

On Saturday the 25th of January 2020 the General Meeting of the  117th board of the K.N.P.S.V. took place. During this AV the policy document of the board was evaluated. The semi-annually financial report was presented and approved. There were also seven proposals apporved and several committies have been installed and discharged.

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Professional day 2019

On Saturday the 9th of November the professional day has taken place. With more than 30 workshops and two plenary lectures the (bio-)pharmaceutical students were able to look at the opportunities after their studies. The K.N.P.S.V.-sweather has also been revealed and the day ended with a drink and dinner.

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Twin 2019: Utrecht

During the weekend from the 11th till the 13th of October the Twin took place in Utrecht. During this weekend we visited Chipsoft together with the Belgium students. After the presentation of Chipsoft there was an EPSA workshop given by Clara and Claudia. On Sundaymorning we ended our weekend with a boat trip. During this boat trip on the Channals of Utrecht we enjoyed a delicious brunch. It was a very fun and succesful weekend.

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Functionary Activity 2019: Roller Skating

On Sunday the 6th of Oktober of 2019 the Functionary Activity took place. We went Roller Skating at the Rollerdisco Rocking Rollerz in Utrecht. It was a very fun and active day.

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Autumn AV of the K.N.P.S.V. 2019

On Saturday the 5th of Oktober 2019 the first General Meeting of the 117th board took place. We discussed the financial stability of the VCSVU and several proposals were approved. The new gadget and the location of the congress in 2020 were also revealed.

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PharmaLead-K.N.P.S.V. Sportsday 2019

On the 15th of June the PharmaLead-K.N.P.S.V. Sportsday took place. The Spoco “Sportacus” organised an exciting day. We went skiing and snowboarding at Snowplanet in Velsen-zuid and ended the day with a BBQ.

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The 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. Saturday

During the ascension weekend from the 30th of May till the second of June the 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. took place. On Saturday we started with several workshops given by Talent&care, Teva, Bron Pharma, College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen, het Rode Kruid en Cannabis Care. Afterwords we played a crazy 76 and went bowling. The day ended with another party.

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The 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. Friday

During the ascension weekend from the 30th of May till the second of June the 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. took place. On Friday the day started of with a symposium themed ‘Nanomedicine’, given by Raymond Schifflers, Twan Lammers, Mark van Eldijk, Enrico Mastrobattista en Ton de Boer. In the evening the reception and the first party took place!

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The 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. Thursday

During the ascension weekend from the 30th of May till the second of June the 76th Congress of the K.N.P.S.V. took place. On thursday we traditionally played tug of war. Before the General Meeting we had a goodwill activity. During the General Meeting the formal handover of the executive board took place and the 116th board of the K.N.P.S.V. made place for the 117th board of the K.N.P.S.V.

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On the 11th of May we visited the House of Representatives in The Hague. We had a tour through the building and the Ridderzaal. Afterwards we addended a lecture given by Jamila Bakker from the KNMP. The lecture was about the KNMP promotes the Dutch pharmacists interests

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Personal Development Day

On the 16th of March the TOP-committee organized the PDD. It was a fantastic day with a lecture from Maarten Doornbos. During the workshop round the students could choose 3 workshops. The workshops were organized by Spits Alkmaar, Werkgroep Zorg 2025, Talent&Care, PharmaStep. The day ended with a networking cocktail. The professional associations were present to inform the students about the possibilities in each profession.

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Twinnet Zurich

From the 8th-10th of March we visited Zurich, Switzerland with 30 Dutch students. The Swiss hosts organized a fantastic weekend for us. We visited the most expensive street of Zurich, had a symposium about the study pharmacy in Switzerland and had two fantastic nights out. Thank you asep for the fantastic weekend!

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Day of the Pharmaceutical Industry

On the second of February the TOP-committee organized the day of the pharmaceutical industry. During this day (bio)-pharmaceutical students could follow workshops about diverse professions in the industry. The day started with a lecture from the NIA (the professional association for industrial pharmacists.)

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January GA

On the 26th of January the General Assembly of the K.N.P.S.V. took place. During the GA the program of the congress in May was revealed. The Sport Committee and the professions day committee revealed their committee clothing!

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