When do I have the right to declare my travel expenses?
Use the next table to find out if you have the right to declare your travel expenses from the treasurer:

PT = Public Transport
GA = General Assembly
There are a few important rules around declaring travel expenses from the K.N.P.S.V.:
- When attending an activity there is a personal contribution of €4,50 (unless you are attending a GA. Those expenses will be completely reimburst).
- Travel expenses should be declared within 4 weeks after the activity or the costs will not be reimburst.
- Both the outward journey and the return journey can be declared, provided they take place on the day of the activity.
- Click here for an explanation of the complete regulation. Read it before making a declaration.
- In any case of doubt, the treasurer of the K.N.P.S.V. will make a decision
How do I declare my travel expenses?
Travel expenses can be declared in different ways; sending an email to penningmeester@knpsv.nl, via post or by personally meeting with the treasurer in the K.N.P.S.V.-office.
If you are declaring via mail, the mail must contain the following:
- Your name and initials
- Your IBAN number
- A justification for your declaration1
If you have fulfilled these points, the expenses will be reimbursed as soon as possible to the given account number.
1 An eligible justification for your declaration of a trip with the public transport:
- The paper ticket of trip with the bus or/and train
- A clear scan of the bus/train ticket (as .pdf)
- A personal transaction overview of your OV-chipcard. The dates and location of checking in and out are not allowed to be hidden. This overview can be saved as a pdf document if you have an account via ov-chipkaart.nl
1 An eligible justification for your declaration of a trip with the car has to contain:
- Point of departure and arrival of the trip. (the distance that will be reimbursed will be calculated by the treasurer of the K.N.P.S.V.).
- Names of passengers if they also have the right to declare the travel expenses from the K.N.P.S.V.
- The type of OV-card (week/weekend) that is owned by the passengers